Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snoopy Comic Strip ♥

Here are snoopy comics strip! More than 20 images!
Peanuts (c) Charles M. Schulz
Sudah saya update lebih banyak komiknya!!!
Ini saya dapatkan dari berbagai macam web.Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi di folder, tapi karena mengupload banyak gambar itu sangat membosankan dan begitu repot, jadi cuma segini yang bisa kubagikan.
Sila dinikmati, semoga kalian senang! ^^ (kalau ada yang baca sih)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Amazing Supernatural

Otak kita menyimpan banyak misteri, yang bisa menyebabkan manusia bisa memiliki kemampuan di luar akal sehat. Kali ini saya mau menjelaskan tentang psikokinesis.

Psikokinesis itu termasuk salah satu dari parapsikologi. Sebelumnya saya kasih tau dulu apa itu parapsikologi.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mask Of Scares

Di antara topeng-topeng ini, mana yang paling menakutkan bagimu?

1. Leatherface
Kalo kalian udah pernah nonton film Texas Chainsaw Massacre pasti tau dong tokoh utama pengguna topeng ini. Yup, si Leatherface memang pembunuh yang menakutkan. Nggak hanya pakai senjata gergaji mesin, topengnya juga dibuat dari kulit wajah manusia yang dibunuhnya, lalu dijahit permanen ke wajahnya sendiri!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Comic Strip

Inspired By Peanuts and K-On! For G-Magz. :*

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Old Cartoon

Kartun-kartun jadul Spacetoon ini yang jadi favoritku dulu, pengen nonton lagi :')
Mereka udah gak ada di Spacetoon lagi, jujur aja, kartun di Spacetoon sekarang kurang bagus, animenya dikit lagi.

1. Cooking Master Boy
Nih cerita tentang seorang anak bernama Li Mao sama teman-temannya, terus dia ikut lomba masak (baca: pertarungan memasak), supaya dapet alat masak legendaris.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hail To The King ♫

New single of Avenged Sevenfold's album with the same title.

FYI, album pertama mereka tanpa The Rev.

Albumnya udah bocor di inet sebelum bereda.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Hello friends....
This is the very very new from me! Simple black-white-gray theme.

Friday, July 5, 2013

腐女子 (?)

oh. oh.
now i'm kinda crazy.
kuso, i thought... i'm gonna have this weird thing.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ino Yamanaka

Membuatnya udah lumayan lama. Iseng-iseng doang gitu, pake corel.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kinda Crayon-Made

Padahal mewarnainya pake photoshop. __-__

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Finally! Setelah berjam-jam berkutat di depan pc selesai juga nih artwork awalku! Thanks to Adobe Photoshop! Aku masih amatir dalam hal ini.
stolid & unpredictable

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's Up Mello?

I think before, draw with Coreldraw is more fun. But then I know that Photoshop is more complete though it's complicated.
When I use Coreldraw, why the h*** I always put Mello inside?
then here.
Mmm, I think Mello has similar things with Deidara. Maybe 'cos their blondie hair and hermaphroditeness(?) #ampun bos #sing betul banciness(?) #ditabok

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Katastrophe Interior

What the hell is this!? ehm... I know, I know, this is very bad. Even, I forget the vents or otherwise Air-Conditioner, the-modern-one! . . ... terlalu biasa. (sakjane iki arep tak wenehi judul "inside the apartment" tapi wong dadine elek akhire ra sida)

Yah, sudahlah. Harap maklum, namanya juga amatiran.
*reader: maksude apa dinehi poster avenged?
*aku   : luweh, ben ra mboseni ngono.
*reader: oya, kok telpune mbek godhong sing nang pot ra diwarna?
*aku   : ah, lali! soale angel le mewarnai godhong. kan aku pas nggambare manual malah tak nehi garis-garis. #oon
*reader: cih. 
Finally, I realize that designing with two different tools is difficult! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What A Long Song ♫

Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence is a massive 42 minute song by the lords of progressive metal-Dream Theater. The song is about six people with mental diseases (multiple personality, schizophrenia, autism, etc). This is the longest Dream theater song, in front of Octavarium, A change of seasons, and in the presence of enemies. This is known to be Dream Theaters greatest work! (WARNING!!! THE SONG IS TOO LONG! But it isn't boring, I think.)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Thought

thinking that it was enough
but there's something needed to be changed
when a bird falls from the blue sky
and a rabbit leaves its own hole
then an obsoleted doll is full with memories 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Sticker Design

Fad, I designed it for my annual school party named 'WKS' a few weeks ago, I think so.
Yeah I know this is not good enough... But I made it by myself. Is there any LOL? :))